Well, 2020 has been quite the year, to say the least. From a worldwide pandemic, murder hornets, Sahara dust plus political and social upheaval it has been kind of intense out there. And yet the world keeps spinning, businesses still need to reach and serve their clients and work needs to get done. Essential workers and those in the health fields are generally required to be out of their homes and doing their helpful and essential work but the vast majority of us are seeking ways to be as productive and find success professionally in this new Work From Home (WFH) lifestyle. Though there are the brave few (foolish perhaps?) who may not be thinking too much about this and prefer to head into their offices, us WFH folks are exploring new ways to keep businesses afloat and finances healthy.
Book Like a Boss recognized this trend of WFH even before this crazy, crazy year pretty much forced millions of people out of offices and into their living rooms. Since 2018 Book Like a Boss has been building and tweaking, updating and upgrading this platform so that our Bosses can save time, earn more money and customize their online face to their clients. Over the past few months, some of our best and most exciting updates coincided with this worldwide shift and the possibility that WFH will be the new reality for the foreseeable future.
Read below to learn about some of the great new features we have added to our platform in recent months.
Zooming with BLAB

Book Like a Boss has been listed as one of Zoom’s top ten app integrations. When you integrate your Zoom platform with BLAB you can have automatically generated Zoom meeting rooms and IDs including in your booking success message. This has always been popular with our Bosses because it saves time and effort and is easy for both client and Boss to access. With our new changes we have allowed for previously integrated accounts to edit their settings per their preferences in regard to international phone numbers and Zoom meeting descriptions. This automatically occurs once settings have been saved.
To learn more about this check out our tutorial video on this topic:
Set Daily Limits
One of the great things about BLAB, that has been around since it first launched, was the users’ ability to define the limitations on their schedule and make changes and adaptations throughout the calendar year. Something new that was recently added is the ability to set limits on appointments and services. For example, if a Boss only wants to offer two “ 3 Hour Phone Consultation” or one “Half-Day Home Evaluation” per day they can now set that limitation to their account. This ensures that you work when you want to work and you don't overbook yourself.
To better help our Bosses stay organized at home we have recently added a new section to the Dashboard- Bosses can look over their account invoices and easily select and print the invoices they need.
Last but not Least- Events
Bosses who are on plans that allow for group bookings can now create events and even sell tickets for events. In non-Covid times this will be great for Bosses who want to sell attendance for one time in person events such as shows, concerts, workshops or anything else that is a one time event. For the WFH era this feature can still be super helpful. Bosses can create digital events or one off webinars or classes. This is something that we have been excited about for a while and have been hearing this requested from many of our Bosses. The ability to create one-time events can expand a Boss's repertoire with their clients. A Boss can link up his or her live-streaming digital event and set up reminder notifications and other customization that apply to Products and Services. The following video explains in greater detail how to set up an Event.
As we look to the future, the Book Like a Boss team will continue to update and improve our platform so that all of our Bosses worldwide can benefit from all that BLAB has to offer.